Important: You must provide your sample in and return your collection kit from the same country listed on your order. |
Each collection kit comes with a prepaid shipping label affixed on the bottom of the box. Before preparing your sample for shipment, make sure to register your kit and replace the funnel lid with the screw-on cap. Your saliva sample is stable at a wide range of temperatures once it is mixed with the DNA stabilization buffer liquid, but we recommend that you ship your collected sample to the laboratory at your earliest convenience.
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The transportation supplies for your saliva sample are included in your kit. Simply place the collection tube containing your sample in the plastic specimen bag, and then place the bag directly into the box. The plastic clamshell should be discarded. Remove the adhesive strip on the kit flap and seal the kit. |
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Drop the package off at your nearest local post mailbox. The box is already pre-addressed and prepaid. We do not recommend taking your sample to a mail center as the representatives may not be familiar with our shipping materials and may erroneously charge extra fees. If you have misplaced or discarded the return shipping supplies, please let us know by contacting Customer Care; we will provide you with free replacement shipping materials. Only samples returned with the prepaid shipping materials provided by 23andMe will be processed. Note: The distribution center will only accept samples delivered via the prepaid shipping materials we provide in your order. Do not attempt to drop off your sample directly at the distribution center or mail it directly to our lab as this may cause delays in transit and in analysis. |
Your sample will first be shipped to our distribution center in Oss, Netherlands via local post, and then forwarded to our lab in North Carolina via FedEx. Tracking information for your returned sample will be available on your profile homepage after it reaches the distribution center and is on its way to the lab.